Friday, September 18, 2009

More Democrat Hypocrisy

Well now, what have we here? I know it's a shock that the story behind the rush to fill Ted Kennedy's seat hasn't gotten much play in the Democrat-controlled national media, and I hate to sound like another strident voice out there, but honest to Pete, this is small even by Democrat standards:

In 1984, when Massachusetts Senator John Kerry was running for President, there was fear in some quarters that he might actually win. While those actually paying attention feared what a Kerry victory would mean for the country, the Left's biggest fear was that a Kerry victory would leave a Massachusetts Senate seat open. Why a problem? Because Massachusetts, in an uncharacteristic moment of sanity, had elected Republican Mitt Romney as governor, and the fear was that he would appoint [OMG] a Republican to fill the vacancy. So the Massachusetts legislature hurriedly passed a law that any Senate vacancy would be filled by a special election, which would take the power away from the [evil] Republican governor.

Fast forward to now: Massachusetts has returned to form and has a Democrat governor, Deval Patrick. Ted Kennedy expires 40 years late by means other than drowning, and having scandalously escaped spending that time locked up, by which probably the country, and certainly justice, would have been better-served. Oh Joy! Patrick can appoint a Democrat to fill Teddy's seat. But Shazzam! The law the Democrats passed for short-term expediency has now come back to bite them. Drat! I hate when that happens. And right when that vote might be crucial in the rush to shove this Health Care Debacle (or some other ill-considered legislation inimical to the interests of the country) down the public's throat! Can't possibly wait for an election.

Dear oh dear, what to do? Well, in the finest tradition of Massachusetts son Elbridge Gerry (after whose shenanigans the term Gerrymandering was named), the Democrat-controlled legislature is now cynically scrambling to re-manipulate the system, now that their previous cynical manipulation has backfired. They have now re-written the law they re-wrote when convenient before, allowing the governor to immediately fill the vacant Senate seat! I'll bet it comes out that one of them sells Liquid Paper to the State. Gilbert and Sullivan could have written a whole opera around this.

In my book, in the annals of State Legislature Scandals, this is right up there with the [Democrat] California State Legislature absconding with the State Lottery money that was supposed to fund the schools. Anyone have an example of when the Republicans have pulled a stunt like this?

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